Thursday, July 15, 2021

Coincidence of course faithless dogs.

 summer 97 I was given the mission of MR.M.

I remember being so very happy god releases the time of salvation- my main mission was to instruct the hot head arab and stiff neck jew to unite and show the world how to do it.

I was so happy.

I quickly found people hate you when your the messenger- but i continued- God even matched me with a COHEN Jew I recently met over a period of one year with friendly relations- so i mustered up strength and thought he should at least help me- well the Jews are no different then the gentiles( well the rebbe and the army and many of faith are just blinded- I understand)). I left his office( a lawyer by trade) disillusioned on is this mission true.

god sends the hot head Arabs into world trade center-American headquarter of stiff neck Jew.

god is serious and true- have patience

I continue- I solve energy crisis- make video and instruct mandog 2007 on nuclear fusion of water.

Employment loss and the 2007–09 recession: an overview Christopher J. Goodman and Steven M. Mance Christopher J. Goodman and Steven M. Mance are economists in the Division of Current Employment Statistics in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Email: goodman. or The downturn in employment accompanying the 2007–09 recession was notable for its prolonged length, for affecting an especially wide range of industries, and for being deeper than any other downturn since World War II The U.S. economy is recovering from one of the longest and deepest recessions since the end of World War II (WWII). Virtually no area of the economy remained unscathed from the December 2007–June 2009 recession,1 particularly the labor market. Nonfarm payroll employment, measured by the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program, peaked in January 2008, 1 month after the peak in the business cycle.2 After relatively modest job losses in early 2008, the losses increased sharply in the latter half of the year, and declines spread beyond traditionally cyclical industries.

non listen and god is still serious. he instructs me to shut up and let me sodomize the nations because they like it- they think they do.

i wake up November 2019 pissed off why do i do gravity experiments when scum like bob lazar believe aliens live amongst us and share gravity devices already- I'm just a dumb smuck- 

god sends covid 19 that devastates world 2020. funny i had a virus idea to treat via electrical resonance techniques called v20 during early phase of mr. m. bone for dog to not bite and listen.

for surely the dogs of Egypt during exodus far greater than this state of affairs eugenics breeds.

god is serious.

anniversary 911 coming up

what will mandog do as slaughter Claus is coming to town- repent- jackass #4 coming out October- why not.

I purposely leave an internet trail and someday Hashem will unveil the truth- 100 monkey syndrome in action.


“The Son of David will not come till a fish is sought for an invalid and cannot be found.” (TalmudSanhedrin 98a)

What did Rabbi Menachem Mendel see in this Talmudic passage that could reflect on his present situation?

The Son of David is a diminutive reference to the Messiah, who will be a descendent of the royal house of David, King of Israel. The diminutive reference is strange in itself, but even more strange is the contention that the coming of the Messiah is dependent on an invalid in search of an unfound fish. What did Rabbi Menachem Mendel see in this passage that could reflect on his present situation?

There’s another, related, statement just after that passage in the Talmud: “The Son of David will not come except in a generation that is entirely worthy or entirely unworthy.” Rabbi Menachem Mendel offers two explanations of the earlier passage, corresponding to these alternative scenarios. In the first, the redemption is well deserved due to the lofty station at which society has arrived; in the second, redemption is bestowed because the alternative is utter deterioration.

This brings us back to our invalid: The diminutive designation “Son of David” indicates that the redeemer is worthy of his messianic status only due to his lineage. Likewise, the generation to be redeemed is also deficient, suffering from the spiritual maladies of sin and moral degeneration.

A page from the Rebbe’s private journal, dated 16 Sivan [1941], Lisbon.
A page from the Rebbe’s private journal, dated 16 Sivan [1941], Lisbon.

At a time when the world was ailing, and the Holocaust was already underway, Rabbi Menachem Mendel confronted the paradoxical possibility of evil in the presence of G‑d. The cause of such spiritual illness, he wrote, is human forgetfulness. We can do evil only if we forget that we are in the presence of G‑d.

This is where the Talmudic fish comes in. Fish are a metaphor for the knowledge that we are ever submerged in the presence of G‑d. Just as a fish cannot live out of water, so the spiritual health of humanity can be preserved only if we are consciously aware of G‑d’s all-encompassing presence. It is at a moment that G‑d’s presence is utterly hidden—when no fish can be found for the invalid—that the redemption must arrive.

So long as the hand of G‑d has not yet been forced . . . the burden of responsibility yet lies on the shoulders of humanity.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel’s second interpretation lays out the flip side of this vision. So long as the hand of G‑d has not yet been forced, and the redemption has not yet arrived, the burden of responsibility still lies on the shoulders of humanity. We can repair the world, so we must repair the world, ultimately bringing it to an era that is “entirely worthy” and ripe for redemption. In an era of human perfection, man will strive to lose all sense of ego, desiring to become utterly submerged within the divine self.

This scenario, too, may be metaphorically described as one in which “a fish is sought for an invalid and cannot be found.” However submerged a fish may be in water, it remains a separate entity, and doesn’t becomes synonymous with water. Similarly, the worthy invalid is “sick” with love for G‑d, desiring utter submergence but unable to cross the infinite divide separating man from G‑d. It is at such a moment—when man has climbed to the loftiest spiritual peak within human reach—that the ultimate redemption must arrive. Likewise, the redemption will be actualized by the paragon of selflessness, by a Messiah who has no autonomous identity, but is simply called “the Son of David.”

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