Saturday, December 3, 2022

A message to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson-URGENT

Dear Jordan, It is no coincidence in that your life of science investigation of the human mind has coupled with the realization of the importance of faith in the creator, in particular in Jesus name. Humanity across the globe is faith based, however, only by way of science will the mind accept truth, clearly a fact the creator has established on earth. Science will produce hard facts in this 3d world which is indisputable. In the quest for knowledge the best and brightest seem to have concluded evolution of mankind is the pinnacle on earth at this stage. This unfortunately will lead into eugenics and disharmony amongst races and the fuel for men such as Hitler to embrace and even the prior soviet union to abolish faith ideas for science itself. To continue in this argument will only produce more division in the races via evolutionary ideas. I believe it is your mission to unite the scientific community in an understanding that a decision must be made for humanity to continue at this stage of man's progress. Only by way of science and deductive reasoning by the intellectuals of humanity will the world follow as they have done so to date via evolutionary concepts. A decision must be made; is man the pinnacle of evolution on earth devoid of the universe, or is there something which evolved greater than any rival in which we may collectively call God. By way of science in recent years by forming glass lenses we now understand the lights of the sky are stars and the universe seems to be a very big place- is mankind the pinnacle via evolution? Is it not possible by way of deductive reasoning that there lies a possibility of something far greater than what we are as a human race on the ground, only recently discovering many novel helpful tools to make life easier? Coupled with a global understanding Faith in something greater in the unseen world in which made the human race exist cannot be simply removed from a scientific perspective and may lie in the realm of psychology of science and not electricity or mechanics of science, but equally as important as you fully understand in a lifetime of human observations. To continue in acceptance of present day understanding of evolution in which we are the pinnacle of growth from some kind of start does not allow for acceptance of the possibility we are the product of something far greater of this universe in which for whatever reason may be deduced gave us a starting time less than 10k years ago, or after last ice age in which conditions ripen for something to occur. Science uncovers where civilization occurred and a steady state progress is clearly defined by the nations. Writings and building construction clearly depict mankind is no different than our aptitude today, merely an accumulation of tools and knowledge found by individual members on earth have contributed to our present day state of technology whilst we as humans are the same behavior since the start in the fertile crescent. Recently the USA government formally discloses UFO awareness, an admission to something beyond our means. More greater than 3d similarities to ourselves is the possibility of other dimensions as some call the unseen world. Clearly we are at the beginnings of such awareness of the universe and far greater science capabilities,however it should be accepted that an obvious stop sign or caution is present with world nations competing with threats of annihilation between each other at hand. Are we competing races via evolution? Or is there the scientific possibility we are product of something far greater which placed us here as we play the game of life. I don't mean to minimize the game of life as you understand the concept of pain, but is it not pain which drives the most productive outcomes? Coupled with the fact humans are spiritual which will always be present during moments of pain and pleasure as life progresses to a finite date for each and every one.. A decision must be made by Mr Jordan Peterson and only the scientific community can make it. Personally my belief is that we are the children of God in Jesus name, why Jesus and not another. The winner of that war of eugenics and slaughter of ww2 was America, a land of many peoples though not perfect but far greater than any other as it is the accumulation of many diverse peoples in their collective spirits to work in unison as no other nation. To me, if there is a greater entity of the universe and it leaves its subtle mark in our lives on earth, It would be in America. This is my opinion. The world would like to hear the results of the global consensus of top thinkers on this planet. A decision must be made Are we the pinnacle of evolution? Or is there the scientific possibility of something far greater in this universe we are a part of as a human race which has since time immortal universally on earth believed and told our children as we pass the baton to the next generation? The next generation would like to know Sincerely Suleiman Sami Azar

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