Wednesday, August 11, 2021

History of Colonial America 1497 - 1763

Thank you hashem for showing me this video today. confirmation,again,of the land i now live on, previously owned by lynford lardner in 1763,part of royalty family in pennsylvania with philadelphia its capitol and brains of the colony and thus something went down here nigga.time will tell. oh yes- at the very end the narrator says this all ends to the declaration of independence- haha. On this note i would like to add the following for the chabad movement which started in 1775 like the united states marine corps. the hasidic way is mind over tears, this is true for let it be shown the military still needed to see stability in food shelter life itself, it should become apparant in 2021 year of lord jesus or 5781 old jew clock, the evil inclination pushed us asap for global platform, for without it the good inclination animal man no different than any animal.BUT there was a purpose- UFO of today is mount sinia of old. the most advanced entity of universe is mount sinia, is us.

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