The arrogance of man
Let us start at childhood. First and foremost children are the light of the earth- bright and colorful and full of energy- and every human being beginning as a child desires the rights of every other human being- we all agree to this- we try our best to teach our children between right or wrong- but many times the child needs to learn on their own- how many times do we hear “ I know that- I know this-don’t tell me’- we have a laugh at the ones closest to us and a snicker for the ones not so close and just mumble- they will learn
And all of us have some slight degree of arrogance to ourselves as we grow older- it never leaves- it seems each generation looks at the one before it as older/slower/ancient/ and behind the times- they have this opinion until they get older-J
Did you ever try to give your opinion to another human being- unless you are in some formal debating club- it gets ugly with slanderous remarks with no relevance to the topic whatsoever- just a weak attempt usually by the person losing the argument and just wants the last word-
They say we are made in gods image- this must be true- for the majority of all human beings are some kind of god/king/queen –everyone is an expert to some degree- unless you are someone’s boss that controls their paycheck- you will probably get into an argument with someone who WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE they are more aware than you are-
Its human nature to some degree to believe in yourself- when it comes down to it- we trust our own judgment and actions to get us thru this life- this is understandable-
There are many levels of this earth we may attain- if we are healthy and of means- the world is unlimited to some degree- thus, there is a level of knowledge and awareness every human being may find them selves in the course of life
I believe I have solved the energy crisis by using a man made lightning bolt and a special type of water itself- my position is that my lifes journey in the realm of god has led me to this because I was given messages of unity and peace as their messenger upon this earth with a sole purpose to begin formal talks of unity amongst the earth in particular in the middle east in which it shall begin
Hello, my name is Solomon Sami Azar, and I am above every human being on this planet with awareness of my science deeds and revelations of the heavens
I have said these words in one fashion or another for 11 straight months upon the net with sole purpose someone will take my scientific deeds and repeat them-why-it is the energy crisis- it is energy which is the foundation of civilization
To this date- my actions are seen as typical human behavior towards one another- arrogance of man- unless of course I am right-
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