Friday, July 30, 2021

New song-like the Monster mash= The YETZER HARA ITCH- woohoooo

 In Judaismyetzer hara (Hebrewיֵצֶר הַרַע‎ yēṣer haraʿ) is the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God. The term is drawn from the phrase "the imagination of the heart of man [is] evil" (יֵצֶר לֵב הָאָדָם רַע‎, yetzer lev-ha-adam ra), which occurs twice at the beginning of the Torah. Genesis 6:5 and 8:21. The Hebrew word "yetzer" having appeared twice in Genesis occurs again at the end of Torah: "I knew their devisings that they do".[1] Thus from beginning to end the heart's "yetzer" is continually bent on evil, a profoundly pessimistic view of the human being. However, the Torah which began with blessing [2] anticipates future blessing [3] which will come as a result of God circumcising the heart in the latter days.

awwww- how to end the days of the ITCH. the yetzer hara itch- wahhhhhooooo-the yh-itch-wahhhhoooo


all demons and evil in the unseen world are your brothers screaming in your ear for a better world.

look at them

in all cultures on earth is the same. if you have violence in your heart- the drill instructors will scream in your ear FEAR. if you embrase love and mercy as a loving parent to child. you will be bless with light and peace and the unseen world will walk you thru the mud into green pastures-GARENTEED

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