Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Bless death's of l bag omer 33.

 Why the disaster at 33 omer. God's children lead the earth, the heavy hand hurts many. Peace with Ishmael paramount. 

I like the story of black fire on white fire. The 3 and 4 strokes for shin on tefillin and the first holy tablet given to Moses.  I like the analogy of contemplating negative spaces, in 2021 i will convey the same is true with the most fundamental particle in nature is akin to the 3 letter shin, the space about the fundamental particle is described initially formally by Einstein(the "Ether"), this space has fundamental properties of electric and magnetic constants which also define the speed of light.  Thus, 3 plus 4 is gods 7 of completion . Also akin scientifically via the absolute state of a single particle which is electric by nature or shall we say intrinsic in nature to possess electric and magnetic properties contained in all matter, yet equally in all ways is the very space surrounding the matter or particles in space. Spock who is Jewish performed three 3 letter shin sign, live long and prosper. 

Also, the state of Israel has the flag of semitic star bound by 2 rivers.  The  6 pointed star of David is also considered the embodiment of a charged particle.  Bound by 2 rivers ,a river is connected from clouds to ocean, thus the 2 rivers are the same , thus enclose the 2 parallel lines of the flag thus encircling the star of David as the space surrounds the fundamental particle, therefore, the state of Israel depicts the direction God envisions, to direct the entire earth enclosed within the clouds and ocean, bound by water the giver of life.  6 pointed star plus 1 continuous line(circle) instead of 2 parallel lines of rivers will also equal 7 seven. Completion. 

also, earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. 3 strokes of shin. the earth is the white or black fire-not being racist but earth seems to represent white fire- black represents the surrounding space which is not all all empty space. thank you Hashem. white and black is relative. positive and negative is relative says Benjamin franklin, and Einstein said some more. so much more out there. Bocashem

Shin Godzilla represents not just the fear of nuclear contamination, but the apocalyptic element of nature, the unintended side-effect of humanity's polluting, industrializing, climate-changing ways

they said torah torah torah 3 times before hitting pearl harbor=spock says fascinating

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