Sunday, December 14, 2008

pets and laser lights

OK- this one is for food for thought- take it with a grain of salt-

so my nephews ran downstairs with excitement as they found a cool TOY to make the little doggy(our Pomeranian named fluffy) go crazy- looks like fun- they found a small play toy LASER.

Immediately I told them to stop and I began to explain what i once heard- that the light makes the animal have self conscious issues as they never could catch the 'light"- i am sure it is so much more than this as explained by animal psychologists- but here comes MINE.

This "Light" might as well be a UFO to the animal- it doesnt understand- yet- many believe animals have greater senses than human in some areas- is it possible that humans which are blind sided to the world of god-=advanced entities-etc as we are kept in faith for all observations in order to grow as a race from nothing to present accomplishments be a sign of what animals know inside-

even though the UFO or "light" in which we understand is to the animal instinctive as spirit- as the "other side" in which communicates- since time immortal we hear stories of "light"- from moses and the fire or bush but light- from angels of light-

and now in past century- we have so many honest citizens- even ex pilots- CRAZY over "lights"- for thousands of years man understood spirit- light- something- but only with recent events of technology we TRY to make sense of it- of course god-advanced entities of light only show themselves this way but never FULLY as our life living is one of faith for faith is the greatest test of strength- it makes man push to infinity- thank god for this- though many curse it-

however, back to laser light- does our cute little pets that love us as family actually have instinctive in them to understand something far greater than blind humans?

are the lights in the sky that make man go crazy as to WHY the same instinctive impulse as in the animals as we tease them with "lights'- no question secular society has destroyed ideas of god into aliens and such- always pushing man and god apart- but all is meant to be and will make sense in time-

I too have my UFO story- lights in the sky in 1987- i admit i thought of aliens at first as I grew up with star trek and secular tv- and thus- my 'meeting" was scary-a lesson for man- stop with the aliens already- we are one- a family- past present and future are one- life after death is true- this ride of life like an amusement park ride- one in which it is up to us to make the ride better for all of us during trip- when ended- the "light" at the end of the tunnel is the realization of an entire amusement park- the universe and all awakened to see it then- do we wait a long time for next ride- who knows- but here is my UFO story now and I hope you got something out of that light story with animals-

let me tell you when I seen a UFO- an unidentified flying object- it was 1987 and I was studying physics at Kutztown University approximately 40 miles from my place of birth-I love physically working out and the nighttime is my favorite time- it was 11pm and I was in the university football field alone. I was atop a wooden platform skipping rope where the football instructor yells at the players. I was a good way through skipping and feeling the workout- I tell you this because it is not a college party but in fact when my wits were strongest- straight and physically active-thus it would be hard to pull the wool over my eyes- the setting is this; small university town surrounded by many farms- I was on a football field between two main buildings and I faced towards a direction away from the buildings into the football field--after the field about 150 yards was a tree line-after the tree line was a farm field full of corn for miles- it was dark with clear skies and stars in the sky- as I was skipping and feeling very strong I noticed a moving small light to my right in the far off distance- as I see stars in the sky- it looked like a tiny white light the size of as star about 50 miles away-just guessing- and immediately I figured it was a jet in the sky moving- Thus-as I was skipping rope and noticed this small light which looked like a star in the distance and was moving like a jet as I initially thought- it did not impress me at all- my eyes look to the left and then back again AND WHAT I SEEN MADE ME STOP IMMEDIATELY- this small light which I thought was a jet in the distance is now half way to my position- this thing was moving so fast it made me stop skipping rope- in the time span of first seeing it to me reacting was only a second- the time to look right and then left and then back again as I skipped rope- I was in awe- for this white light was not a white light at all- across the field in which I stood and stared-this thing traveled above the tree tops (approx 50 yards behind it-thus from me 200 yards)

This thing was about a third the size of the trees as I looked at it race across my view-maybe 30 feet in diameter- a perfect round sphere red in color- no doors-lines-wings-anything- completely round and a glowing red- like a soft red light on a brake of a car- perfectly round with no tail like a comet- can you imagine how I felt- its not over- right behind it- approximately 50-100 feet behind was a smaller blue one in the exact line of travel as the first- but this one was a third the size of the red one- same as the first in regards to obvious lines or markings on it- simply a perfect sphere of light moving with incredible velocity right in front of me- you can think what you want at this stage- but I will tell you this- I knew immediately this thing was not of this earth- and I wanted to be the first to find it. As I stood on this platform and watched this thing fly across my view in less than 2 seconds and it seemed like it landed approximately 2 miles away at a 30 degree angle- I immediately flew off that platform and into my Pontiac firebird parked about 30 feet away- I WAS GOING TO FIND THIS THING- I zipped out the parking lot of this university with no care whatsoever for wreckless driving as I would want the police to follow me- I drove ¼ mile to the main intersection of the university-made a right onto the main street and continued past the college town and into farms fields-about 2 miles-at least 100 miles an hour- I took a road that beared left as I believed this was the best estimation of its landing( for what it is worth- the majority of my life is hiking extensively in the toughest forests- most of which I do alone- I have a good sense of direction and not known to be afraid of anything at night) my mind was filled with the energy of finding this thing- it took me at least 2-3 minutes to make it here- and needless to say I was pumped- I believed this spot on this dark road was it- I pulled over like a race car driver - it was a small patch of grass area of at least 20 feet wide and then into a small area of trees and an opening behind It as this is what I deduced driving into this area from the road- HERE IS MY FEELING- FROM SEEING IT TO DRIVING OVER TO FINDING IT I WAS PUMPED UP WITH SO MUCH ADRENALINE- AS SOON AS I HOPPED OUT THE CAR AND INTO THE TALL GRASS TO THE AREA I BELIEVED IT WAS IN- MY MIND CHANGED INSTANTAENOUSLY- DON’T GO FURTHER- YOU DID ENOUGH- LEAVE-

I believe I was tested- encouraged in some ways- for what happened to me in 1987 kept me on my initial goals of finding a major scientific advancement for society and there is no question it has done so- for at this stage in my life- I was reevaluating my life- why do I spend so much time on science when most others play-have fun- make money-when most of my mental energies are spent on science- for some goal and dream that was put into me at the age of 17 to continue in science-

THAT IS MY UFO STORY- LIGHTS in the sky to an animal on the ground

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

to the citizens of Iran and North Korea

To the citizens of Iran and North Korea- my name is solomon azar, an american citizen with an unquestionable love and devotion for my country and the founder of a new ideology of power generation which shall lead to an end of the energy crisis and talks of greenhouse gases-

both of your countries are starving for energy- thus- your pursuit of a nuclear power division in which the west is scared of is understood- i have the solution- i propose safe clean nuclear fusion and if you grab hold of this ideology and implement it before the west- you will demonstrate clearly to the world you are even if not greater in pursuit of nobility than the west-

I believe america is brain dead- selfish and arragant. i dont know it anymore- i grew up with the duke and all the things great about america. i grew up FULLY aware this country is built upon the blood sweat and tears of many in america but by far the greatest generation that has sacrificed for this country- I speak of those who endured the great depression of america- who then marched off to war and defended freedom and secured an energy policy and richness this country has lavished in since and to this very day. but without question the baby boom generation of the fifties and sixties surely seen the best times of this country as they have squandered the bounty off.

it is understandable to spoil your children- but the gluttony of America and its policy of 'he who has the most toys wins" or "dog eat dog" has sold off our assets- moved all major manufacturing over seas for corporate greed in which the ceos made billions as the middle class erode- etc-etc-

the media and fantastic device of the internet only devised within this decade are grounds for playrooms and stupidity-

I am an American proposing clean unlimited energy as the world burns for energy and screams for greenhouse gases- and I am ignored by the vast majority who just hear me scream and do nothing- arrogant scientists who get paid so much for comfort dont care - peer review specialists dont care to follow up your inquiry and direct you- no one cares about energy- regular citizens in social forums dont care about nothing except sex-drugs-and rock and roll- or philosophy the way they want it--the so called enlightened ones just watch like a timid rabbit and do nothing-ENERGY is the key to civilization-PERIOD

thus- as your people know what it is like to have electricity to shut off throughout the day AND you are the back water tribe of the American intellect- here is your golden opportunity-

take my science and spread it amongst your scientists- everything is in my website of noblefuse- all of it to the trained eye- finish it and make a complete clean fusion power plant- no more need for dangerous fission reactors- no more west breathing down your back -more importantly- you will teach all America- as the Russians did with the early space race- how far behind this country has become- AMERICA HAS ITS HEAD UP ITS ASS_

the majority of American citizens are arrogant- selfish-and only care for themselves.

THUS, take this Americans idea and implement it to teach the citizens of America a golden lesson-

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You have been banned from MySpace Forums!

You have been banned from MySpace Forums!
this is todays message for me-

banned from myspace forums- deleted several times from myspace- energy forums- so many- why- i am too bold for you-

I solved the energy crisis by myself with a ONE MILLION VOLT experiment and noone believes me- my friends dont- passer bys dont- scientists dont- noone-

all just ridicule and ignore-

no wonder there is war-

no wonder there is the holocoast

no wonder your WW3 comes-

I have been misled this entire time- i was aware of it for several months-

since I was given a message by god in 1998- i was under impression an age of unity begins- that ww2 was armegedon in order for man to move on-

and so i endevoured in my life long quest to find something the heavens have guided me to bring forth for man to make their lives better-

and now my time has come- but for the first time i needed the interaction of others- and now i find the disgust why others loves their pets more than man- why man kills one another-

I am the christ- you will not understand at this stage for your belly is full- your arrogance is high- your insight is limited-

I must wait for YOUR PREPARATION in order for mankind to move to next stage of global unity-

you are too ignorant and barbaric at this stage and you know it-

war shall fix this- this time all families will beg for food- will pray for safety of children-

if you say it is god that does this- you are wrong- for god has brought you solution but it is YOU that ignored it- AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE

the children of the future that survive shal;l learn even the enlightened masters of times prior are WEAK- they just watch the bullies attack- they do nothing in order to protect their own lives-

I am always filled with the HOPE that we can do it NOW without any more war- but even the christ cannot do it alone- it takes YOU

my days of screaming are coming to an end- it is your turn to scream as you lose your jobs- lose your health care - watch more children go to war over energy

my little speech in public will come after ww3
what a shame

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rape kill pillage and burn

Rape kill pillage and burn---
when i was a little child- i used to play innocently with army soldiers- play guns with water or lights and sounds- play cops and robbers with guns- the battle between cowboys and Indians(first peoples)- a child will play with anything and see the fun in everything. and then a decade goes by, where many young boys with goodness in their hearts begin to be harden- to sing songs like " rape kill pillage and burn"- as in force recon and other infantry units- it is the same all over the world-


why does man subconsciously have this extreme destructive behavior towards one another-

why does man force man to submit in prison systems such as with rape and control-etc etc

why do the children of god has this feature of our behavior-


if you read this message upon a wonderful invention of only recent years-you are probably of western society or at least a level of stability and sustenance to live life with opportunities as opposed to third world nations or poor persons within the community of a richer industrialized society- you are privileged and lucky somewhat-

what do you do with most of your time as half the worlds children die of a very simple ailment from dirty drinking water- it seems clear that when a human being is given free will and freedom with too much excess that may be used for pleasure or selfish means- one will do so- over and over again a more privileged individual will find themselves in a world where they seek immediate satisfaction for themselves- to live for themselves- to look out for themselves -

prior to one century- the vast majority of the worlds population still cut their arm to bleed out infections-without refrigeration for stored food- man was always on the hunt for fresh food- without ease of electricity for warmth and utilization to make our lives far more easier and comfortable- prior to one century- the vast majority struggled just to stay alive-

thus-prior to one century- most human beings since beginning of time struggled very very hard just to stay alive against natures fury and competing families just trying to stay alive-

so why do we get ugly about it?

it seems evident and clear most human beings-children of god-know there is an intrinsic feeling of wonder just being alive- to live life to its fullest- to enjoy whenever you can- like an amusement park ride so to speak- but the earth itself is the ride- and the duration of the ride is life itself- upon our death we are in the spirit world- maybe we wait for another chance- infinity is at hand-
however, for this topic-let us understand it is obvious this amusement park ride is a function OF ALL OF US to come together and help one another so we can make civilization- and man has done well in such a short time since rubbing two sticks-

time to spread upon the earth- time to come together in population density to receive ideas from one another- time to achieve one finding after another- cannot jump any steps- for one must walk before run- or babel before talk-

just like in your own life how quick you are to just "lay around" to procrastinate- to just "have fun" over and over again-

as the world is still primitive- still cold from winters-still sick from simple ailments-still seeking stability as some neighbors just think for themselves-

THUS- the hungry eyes and mouths strike out-pain is in their gut and soul- and so pain is how they lash out- from an individual to a nation state- it is the same- if man cannot share resources between one another- they will battle-

watch a child try to share a toy- it is in our instinctive behavior to control and dominate-

WHY- so man may push one another and be on the edge for us to WAKE UP AND WORK TOGETHER OR FIGHT-

if you are not my friend- then how can i trust you to be neutral and not my enemy for your own selfish means-

this behavior has prope3lled mankind to such a state of civilization so fast that a time has come-

first a period of media and technology for all man to witness to themselves we are truly one race- all children to god- so many shows where we may learn from one another- even prison shows that teach man even the bad or so called evil ones are humans with a reason why they did it- from lack of love or food or shelter- man will struggle and fight if he must-

man has a best friend in western society- the dog- eaten in other parts of the world for food- but in the west man learns why he is your best friend- you feed it- you shelter it-you accept it as family-

do this to any human being and you will find a friend- or go thru life seeking just one on your hand if lucky-

what reward is there in heaven if you love only what loves you- for those that strike at your cheek- do so because they have a problem- they lash out subconsciously for someone to help- will you be the one to help or ignore?

what goes around comes around- the great cosmic balance of man proclaimed since beginning of time-

I believe the time has come to extinguish this negative feature of mankind- the time to lay down the sword between one another in order to remove the defensive shield many human beings have upon their soul for protection from abuse by one another- for when one does so- the amount of energy and vitality akin to a child shows itself in man again as they began life this way- the true spirit of mankind to enlighten one another-

man is cruel to one another at times because man is lazy and selfish at times to one another-

do you need your neighbors house to be on fire before you help- or see the writings on the wall and act-

do you need your own child to become sick from cancer and or ailments to know man has many problems in life yet to be conquered and for you to help when you are healthy and stable-

half the worlds children die from simple drinking water- remember the Christ- agreed by mighty Rome and many others if god has loved one as a son- it would be one that seeks the sick and poor- to defend the weak-

or must you become weak-sick and poor to understand why man must be mans best friend-

whether by peaceful death or not- the outcome is the same- illumination of the afterlife and the spirit world- all is understood-all is known-

our duty continues-THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Monday, November 10, 2008

i love the show american idol

bless all the youths with a desire for entertainment-amazing to see so many young people come out and try at a chance to live out their interests-

and what about other people-i see now american inventor- where so many people try to make something many would use- to try to use their talents in this world-

and what about all people- I am sure if there were shows for the best lawyers- beauticians- painters-artists/etc etc etc -

it should be apparent there are so many people just like us- no matter what your interests-

what about messengers of god- so many people believe in god- they say it casually in theirs words everyday- they say it with vigor during times of stress or peace- many feel the call to be a priest and such- what about those that feel it so strong- they believe they are a messenger-

well- thats me- and let me tell you- the welcome is terrible- poor jesus- words of peace and love only to be crucified- look how god shows man how we can be cruel to the innocent- even today with torture in war- whatever your reasons-

but more importantly for me- i have uncovered my belief for one whole year as i believed it my time as i uncovered the solution to the energy crisis- symbology of the lightning bolt and water- an experiment never before in science for clean safe nuclear fusion-

sounds wonderful on science- well it would be if i ever get noticed- but people kill the messenger still- they ridicule and abuse- people like bill maher and other atheists can say what they want on the media- so i will too-

but being the messenger has surely cause many to run away- even at the expense of the energy crisis- one in which our soldiers fight for-

but anyway-after so many months of being nice and saying please- i have recently for several months tried to be harsh as many seem lazy and ignorant not to listen as world crumbles under energy-

is the behavior of a messenger?

i love everyone- especially children- i love my child and family- and all children are way too cool- and WE ARE ALL CHILDREN-thus- i see that inside everyone and love the child within-

but you do not act like a child in the body of the cousin of the monkey-0especially in a tough world yet- you are mean and abusive at times- and a time has come to solve our energy crisis-'
thus- i am done with pleasantries-

uncover my experiment before the world economy crumbles and greater war comes for it- here is your chance followers of god- if you have any faith that is-

Evan Almighty

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

here is a prediction for the stock market for thursday-9th october

" I copied the following from an atheist forum on myspace- i made a prediction on the 8th about the collapse of the stock market the next day-I made it when the s& p and ow futures were up the entire day before with positive opening until final witching hour of 3 pm. if you want to save the world from total collapse- pressure princeton university to repeat my experiment to confirm positive nuclear fusion"-solomon

Groups » Atheist and Agnostic Group, III » Topics » here is a prediction for the stock market for thursday-9th october

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Lightning Fusion


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Reply with this quote Reply to this Post Posted: Oct 8, 2008 3:21 PM
the highest drop in us history- when proven correct- repent
Baby Lemonade


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 3:24 PM
i predict that someone’s gonna die tomorrow. when i’m proven correct, reject your silly notions about jesus.
Cephalopods Love Stabby


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 3:28 PM
An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 4:03 PM
Interesting. I think it’s bottomed out. If it falls below 9000 it could keep going but to be the highest drop ever would have to put it close to 8000 at the close. If that happens I’ll read what you have to say.

If not, you must admit to major fail.

Long Island / Westchester,
New York

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 4:33 PM

Cephalopods Love Stabby wrote:


Long Island / Westchester,
New York

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 4:34 PM
I just wanted to see what would happen if you double posted it.
-Ƹ-litist Palestinian

Hacienda Heights,

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 5:42 PM
*clicks the pause buttons*

WTF Brit? You suck. >=/

Anyway, I think he’s right. If I’m right about him being jewish, then he must be right... cuz you know them jews love that money...


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 6:14 PM

Lightning Fusion wrote:
the highest drop in us history- when proven correct- repent

How does a Tesla coil predict the stock market? I’ll bet if someone discovered cheap cold fusion there would be a little bit of a rebound, instead of the largest drop in history. Your economic insights are probably as accurate as your scientific theories, and as useful as your delusions.


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 7:11 PM

Brit wrote:
Cephalopods Love Stabby wrote:

Baby Lemonade


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 8, 2008 7:14 PM
flash block is fucking awesome.

awesome i say.
The Good Rev. Tim

Baltimore (White Marsh),

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 12:29 AM

Lightning Fusion wrote:
the highest drop in us history- when proven correct- repent

way to go out on a limb there Nostradamus and predict the stock market will go down after the financial system has started to crumble.

i predict that if you get sprayed with water, you’ll get wet
The Good Rev. Tim

Baltimore (White Marsh),

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 12:51 AM
btw that letter you wrote to David Bowie is really powerful stuff....


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 6:44 AM
so when does the stock market close?
The Good Rev. Tim

Baltimore (White Marsh),

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 6:47 AM

KABLAM wrote:
so when does the stock market close?

i think 4pm

its only down 75 points so far...
The Good Rev. Tim

Baltimore (White Marsh),

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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 9:33 AM

Lightning Fusion wrote:
the highest drop in us history- when proven correct- repent


do you now reject christ as your lord and savior?
BliTZ says quit playing with your dingy


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Reply with this quote Post a reply to this Topic Posted: Oct 9, 2008 9:56 AM

Stabby Loves Menstruating wrote:

I’m such a bitter, dried-up cunt.

I wouldn’t taunt this ex-military guy... he’s batshit crazy enough to come kill you over some stupid bullshit.

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